
9 Ways To Reduce Your Waste

9 Ways To Reduce Your Waste

It wasn’t until I moved to the French countryside that I was able to see just how much waste I was producing. Well, not just me. My husband...

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9 Ingenious Uses For Old Tires

9 Ingenious Uses For Old Tires

You probably have tires lying around somewhere in your yard or homestead like me. The thought of calling the waste management guys to come and pick...

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How To Change A Flat Tire

How To Change A Flat Tire

It’s the Monday morning rush and just when things get really tight, you see your car sadly listing to one side and the rim is far too close to the...

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Are You A DIY-er?

Are You A DIY-er?

Whether you live in a 100 year old house or a brand new one, you are bound to have something break down or malfunction. The question that now arises...

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Best Dog Breeds For Homesteaders

Best Dog Breeds For Homesteaders

Living in a homestead without a dog, is like living in a house with no electricity. It just doesn’t feel right. Homesteads are renowned for having a...

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