Avoid These 8 Looter-Inviting Things On Your Property
Every 20 seconds, a looter breaks into a home in America. What's even scarier is that only 15% of those looters are caught. That leaves millions of...
6 Things You Need To Do Before The Upcoming Crisis
Since the start of Covid-19 in March 2020, the United States of America has unleashed fiscal stimulus spending of close to 5.2 trillion dollars. The...
How To Make Bio Fuel From Kitchen Scraps
If you want to live a self-sustainable and zero-waste lifestyle, then this article is going to help you in achieving this goal. The project is about...
These Invasive Herbs Will Devastate Your Backyard
Passionate gardeners have a fondness for herbs. Why wouldn’t they? Having plants and foliage that can be used in various ways is always an...
How To Make Your Knife As Sharp As The Devil Himself
Though I have never been or never desire to be a killer much of my life’s success was predicated on keeping a set of razor sharp knifes. Again, I am...
9 Ways To Reduce Your Waste
It wasn’t until I moved to the French countryside that I was able to see just how much waste I was producing. Well, not just me. My husband...
11 Things That Won’t Lose Value In A Crisis
Being self-sufficient is more than just sustaining a lifestyle through agriculture by being away from the intense urban society. This is a vital...
The Most Contaminated Vegetables You Should Look Out For
There’s no denying that many of us put great lengths of time and effort into creating and maintaining our gardens. One of the biggest sensations of...
The Forager’s Guide To Wild Foods: Book Review
I’ve been hearing a lot about The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods and I decided to buy it and see if this is indeed the book that I’ve been looking...
Avoid These 6 Signs On Your Property
Expressing how we feel as Americans is in our DNA. We love to tell the world exactly how we feel. Chinese manufacturers afford us the luxury to do...
9 Ingenious Uses For Old Tires
You probably have tires lying around somewhere in your yard or homestead like me without even thinking about uses for old tires. The thought of...
Discover This Easy Way To Waterproof Your Boots
If you are keen on working outdoors - be it in your shed, backyard or garden - chances are, you own a pair of boots. Work boots are great. They are...
15 Gardening Mistakes You’re Making Right Now
It seems that no matter how long you have been gardening, there is always something to learn. After all, making mistakes is just part of the...
How To Get Rid Of Termites On Your Property
Termites don’t bite or cause any illness, yet they have caused more pain to humans than any other living insect or pest that exists today. Quite a...
If You See These Eggs In Your Backyard, Burn Them Immediately
Do you know what time of the year it is? It’s tick season! Lately, since spring has come, when I work out in my garden or when my family goes on our...
6 Best Guns To Have Around Your Homestead
Firearms have a particularly important place on the homestead. You could be plinking cans, or you could be chasing varmints from your property. No...
How To Change A Flat Tire
It’s the Monday morning rush and just when things get really tight, you see your car sadly listing to one side and the rim is far too close to the...
25 Practical Uses For Duct Tape Around The House
There is a funny saying about WD-40 and duct tape. If it doesn’t move, all you need is WD-40. If it does move but it shouldn’t, all you need is duct...
Are You A DIY-er?
Whether you live in a 100 year old house or a brand new one, you are bound to have something break down or malfunction. The question that now arises...
15 Things You Should Teach Your Children That Can Save Their Lives
When you are in the thick of rearing children it seems like a period in your life that will never end. It’s a whirlwind, the schlepping kids around,...
What We Learned Living on Our Food Storage for a Month
Before the stay-at-home order was even issued in my state, I stopped going to the grocery store. I despise shopping: the fluorescent lights, the...
Best Dog Breeds For Homesteaders
Living in a homestead without a dog, is like living in a house with no electricity. It just doesn’t feel right. Homesteads are renowned for having a...
The Best DIY Traps Against Property Intruders
In these tumultuous times, we have seen too many examples of riots, looting, and unrest sweep across the globe. Whether it be unrest following...
25 Things We Did as Kids That Would Get Someone Arrested Today
With all of the ridiculous new regulations, coddling, and societal mores that seem to be the norm these days, it’s a miracle those of us over 30...
The Lazy Man’s Tricks And Tips To Homesteading
Running a homestead demands you to constantly be thinking outside the box, searching for new and exciting ideas to up your level of...
The Best Vegetables To Grow To Turn A Profit
If you are looking to grow vegetables not only for your own family but also for a profit, you want to know the most profitable options. This is a...
30 Survival Uses For Wood Ashes You Never Thought Of
1. Make lye water out of ash. You can boil 2-3 spoons of ash (clean white/grey fluffy ash) with water and then filter it with a coffee filter. Lye...
How to Adjust the pH in Soil and Water for Abundant Harvests
In terms of plant growth, the pH of the soil the plant is growing in can have a massive impact on yield, so it is important to optimize the pH in...
Urbanites Moving To Rural Paradise Ruining It For The Locals
People from the city regions with their urban ideas can make it difficult or disrupt the way of life for those who live rural. What do I mean by...
When Did Independence Become Illegal?
Over the last year, I have really started to notice a growing trend. At first, it was a news story here or there, usually talking about someplace...
Homesteading After 60: What You Need To Know
My grandparents had a farm in Georgia, where they raised nearly everything they needed. I remember my grandmother telling me that they bought...