Off Grid Knowledge

$0 Alternatives to OTC Meds

$0 Alternatives to OTC Meds

You want to have a toolkit handy to treat everyday illnesses such as a sore throat, cough, cold, flu, headaches, skin irritations, and stomach bugs...

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9 Signs You’ve Got Rats

9 Signs You’ve Got Rats

Hearing a scratching noise, dirty runways, and smelling an unpleasant odor have freaked you out? As rats are active only at night, it's always...

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Can You Outfox HOA?

Can You Outfox HOA?

Homeowners Associations think they control everything in your neighborhood. But guess what? You've got options to push back against ridiculous rules...

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If you are looking to add some entertainment to your homestead, raise some geese. They are one of the most endearing types of poultry and there will...

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