11 Cheap Ways To Heat Your Home This Winter
Every season has its pros and cons. And while winter affords the opportunity to spend some time with the family all cozy and snug, the cost of...
40 Uses For Sawdust Around Your Homestead
Did you know that instead of using expensive wood chips around your homestead you can get the same results from sawdust (and it’s either free or...
How To Prepare For The Rising Energy Prices
When you wake up to the Energy Secretary of the US saying that the President is considering tapping the nation’s strategic petroleum reserves, you...
Chicken Secrets Nobody Told You About
Raising chickens is every homesteader's dream. Not only do they provide meat and eggs all year round, but they’re also very interesting creatures...
5 Mistakes To Avoid On Your Property
For many property owners, acquiring our first bit of land sends us over the moon. We have finally reached the moment in life where we see our dreams...
Canning Mistakes Even The Most Advanced Homesteaders Make
For most homesteaders, canning is just one of the essential skills to fully utilize your resources for the long term. When done correctly, this...
How To Sew: Efficient Techniques You Need To Know
Ever lost a button and wanted to replace it? Or needed to patch a hole on your jean or mend a fallen hem? I know I have. Many homesteaders believe...
Building a Sawbuck: Work Smarter in the Woodpile
Work smarter, not harder. My daddy’s words echo in my head every time I’m half bent over a project. They rang true recently when a red oak branch...
What I’ve Learned Homesteading With My Family of 8
I grew up on a dairy farm in central New Jersey. As a child, I didn’t like all the work, but after moving at the age of 13 to the DC area, and into...
How To Raise Quail And Why You Should Do It
Are you thinking about raising birds but you don’t want chickens? Maybe you’ve got chickens and you are looking for something different. Or, you’ve...
Recipes I Made From The Lost Super Foods Book: Canned Hamburger Meat
I was amazed at how fast and easy this recipe is to do: Canned Hamburger Meat. It is also very satisfying to see my shelves fill up with long time...
10 Vegetables To Plant In Fall For Winter Harvest
Growing vegetables does not have to stop in the summer. You can easily grow various vegetables throughout the fall and winter months. By knowing...
Best Homesteading Movies To Watch
Taking some time off to pop some popcorn and watch an entertaining movie or two, can sometimes remove all the stress out of your life. In this case,...
A simple growth process, delicious, and packed full of vitamins and nutrients, cabbages are one of the most popular vegetables to grow. There is no...
How To Turn Your Property Into A Fort
The average American home is built with profits in mind, focusing on minimal materials and rapid deployment. There is little consideration for home...
A Homesteader’s Guide to Biogas as an Alternative Fuel
Venezuela was a real survival laboratory. Those conditions created by the geopolitical threats have generated an apocalypse as severe as the ones...
Cheap and Easy DIY Rat Trap
Rats… I hate rats! We dropped our bushcraft kits in my shop when we got home. I’d just taught my grandson to cook his first simple meal over our...
Rabbits make the perfect livestock option for homesteaders. Not only are they cute and friendly creatures but there are several benefits to raising...
Do You Have This Plant In Your Backyard?
If one mentions the word ‘grass’, chances are you might think of it as something that’s should be kept away from your garden. Sure, there are many...
How to Make Firebricks (fire logs) and Wood Stove Logs for Free
Today we’re proud to present another DIY project from a fellow Doing the Stuff Networker. Jamie Burke is a master at repurposing trash and junk. His...
If You Have Pets, Get Rid Of These Plants Immediately!
About this time last year, a tragedy happened. I had called the landscaping company to come and freshen up my yard for my birthday celebrations, and...
A Medicinal Garden Kit For Starting A Small Backyard Pharmacy
For a very long time I’ve been looking for a seed kit to start a small medicinal garden in my backyard. I’m no spring chicken anymore and as health...
4 Ingenious One-Day Projects For Your Backyard
I used to think backyard projects were complex and back-breaking. To date, I’ve paid landscaping companies a fortune to get my backyard in check....
Chickens are awesome to raise, they don’t take much effort, and they provide you with plenty of benefits. Not only will they give you eggs for...
39 Items You Can Compost
Making compost is equal parts art and science. While many people focus on the optimal carbon to nitrogen ratio, some of these people aren’t...
Cheap Recipes To Keep You Well Fed In The Next Crisis
Food security is the basis of survival and forward planning is the name of the game. Preserving food in times of plenty is a wise move: this means...
DIY Aquaponics Water Heater
Generally there are so many projects that a homesteader can do that benefit from warm water growing conditions. Tilapia and catfish both thrive in...
Does Government Still Have Power Over You If You’re Off The Grid?
Does Government still have power over you if you're off the grid? Yep! If you think going off-grid is a solution to fly stealth under the government...
10 Money Saving Tips From A Cheapskate
Economists say that there ain't such thing as a free lunch. And while that may be true, it is also true that some lunches are cheaper than others,...
If you’ve been considering growing potatoes, there’s no time like the present. Potatoes are extremely nutritious, massively versatile, and a staple...
Are You A Community Member Or A Lone Wolf?
Many people dream of moving off-grid to start a homestead, but one common hurdle often hits them before they do. That hurdle is whether they should...
Livestock Animals You Should Start Raising For The Upcoming Economic Crisis
What will you eat when the supermarkets run out of food? Famine used to be something our ancestors faced regularly. But, for most of us living...