Vegetable Independence – 100% Self-Reliant Vegetable Production
Is raising 100% of your own vegetables possible? Absolutely. We raise 100% of our vegetables which means we don’t rely on the grocery store for any...
How To Attract Toads and Frogs to Your Garden (And Why You Should Do It)
You will hear children squeal in terror when they catch a glimpse of a slimy-looking amphibian hopping across the grass. But for the gardener, they...
How To Get Rid Of Tomato Hornworms Before They Destroy Your Tomato Plants
When it comes to planting tomatoes, a gardener's number one concern is tomato hornworms! They will destroy your plants quicker than any other...
Most Threatening Insects You Should Keep Away From Your Garden
Acquiring a more self-sustainable homestead will involve gardening. Producing your own fruits and vegetables for your family to enjoy will bring a...
13 Gardening Myths
If you are keen to start gardening, you may have been put off going ahead by some of the myths that are circling around in the community. With so...
Not only do tomatoes taste better, but they are healthier when you grow them yourself. Nevertheless, you’ve got to plant them in the right...
Best Crops For Your Survival Garden
When times are uncertain and dire, people turn to survival gardens. It is because a survival garden provides you with readily available and healthy...
Homesteaders are always looking for newer, more innovative ways to make their soil richer and nutritious for their plants. If you’re someone who’s...
9 Best Plants That Naturally Repel Pests from Your Homestead
When it comes to landscaping a yard, most people select herbs and plants that beautify their area. However, a better idea is to combine beauty with...
8 Best Natural Ways To Stop Slugs And Snails From Destroying Your Plants
Slugs and snails are some of the most common, peskiest, and yuckiest garden pests around. They can be found almost anywhere in the world, most...
7 Common Raised Bed Mistakes Every Person Should Avoid
Gone are the days where gardeners had to grow everything within the ground. Today, there are various exciting gardening methods, including raised...
13 Plants That Thrive In Shade
The majority of vegetables need a minimum of six to eight hours of sunlight to thrive. However, don’t neglect the shade-loving vegetables. Lightly...
DIY Survival Garden
No matter if you're planning to start a survival garden out of necessity, prepare for the worst times, or become more self-reliant, you'll love the...
21 Gardening Items You Should Get From the Dollar Store
Gardening and homesteading, while ultimately saving you money on fresh organic vegetables, can get expensive when you’re setting up your vegetable...
10 Cooking Herbs You Should Grow In Your Garden
Growing your own herbs is a fun and easy way to ensure you have everything you need to add an extra hit of flavor to your dishes. Every cook knows...
The Best Vegetables To Grow To Turn A Profit
If you are looking to grow vegetables not only for your own family but also for a profit, you want to know the most profitable options. This is a...
How To Organize Your Garden For Maximum Harvest
Your garden is a beautiful place full of flowers, fruits, vegetables, herbs, and anything else you’d like to grow. However, if you’re noticing a...
How To Keep Your Garden Alive During Winter
During the summer and fall, most gardens are alive and kicking. However, winter weather is unpredictable, it rains, snows, it can be frosty or...
10 Bugs You Should Never Kill In Your Garden
Just the thought of bugs can cause some people to start squirming. But, not all bugs are the enemy, especially when it comes to gardens. There are a...
The One Tree That Every Homesteader Should Plant
While there is no one perfect tree that will benefit every homesteader, the mulberry tree has a lot to offer. If you’re looking for a tree that...
How To Make A Self-Watering Planter From A Water Bottle
If you’ve ever come home from vacation to a house full of dried-out plants or realized too late that you forgot to water something, you’re not...