Winter is something that we have to face. It is a time when we find everything capped with snow and wait for spring to come along so we can get back to our planting and harvesting.

However did you know that if you plan early in the fall, there are many types of things you can start growing that you can easily harvest during winter?

Our health is important and eating seasonal foods helps us to get necessary nutritional elements required so that we create a balance in our bodily functions.

I am essentially listing a total of 10 vegetables that can be grown in fall, to harvest in the winter.

Some vegetables help to warm you up during the harsh winters and preparing early during the fall, can make your transition through the seasons go as smoothly as ever.

If you are a Homesteader and partly live off the land then it’s time to re-energize yourself and get ready for round two of gardening.

Everyone I guess knows the story about the Ant and the Grasshopper. Well, we need to be the Ant or else we will be like the Grasshopper regretting that we didn’t plan out our food supply.

With food security being a huge issue today, we can do our part by being self-sufficient so that our lives are made much easier. Of course, with a lot of effort being put into what we do.

Depending on the zone you live in, you can begin planting your fall garden as early as August. When to plant will also depend on whether you’re growing from seed or plants. For seeds, begin planting several weeks earlier. Choose vegetables that can tolerate cool or cold growing conditions and vegetables that you eat and that are hardy enough to get through winter.

Here are 10 vegetables that you can start planting in the fall and harvest during the harshest winters.

Knowing the average temperatures for your area is a very important factor, so you know certain plants can withstand the cold and it will be an excellent starting point .

1. Parsley

Soil temperature for Parsley is usually 85°F (10-30°C)

Harvesting of seeds takes around 70-90 days.

Plant in Fall to Harvest in Winter

2. Lettuce

Lettuce is also extremely tolerant of extreme cold and can handle 10-28 °F.

Plant in Fall to Harvest in Winter

3. Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are hardy and tolerate extreme cold. Just like Cabbage Cauliflower and Broccoli they can tolerate 26°F. Even after snow you can continue growing them so this is a huge benefit.

Plant in Fall to Harvest in Winter

4. Potatoes

These tubers are protected from frost and harsh weather as they grow buried underground. Starting to grow potatoes 4 weeks before the last moments of frost in the Spring can bring in a harvest in 4 weeks.

Plant in Fall to Harvest in Winter

5. Beets

With a temperature of 50-80°F (10-26°C) Beet seeds usually take around 40-70 days so plan ahead.

Plant in Fall to Harvest in Winter

6. Mustard

Mustard is a heavy frost tolerant and can handle (28°F and below). Make the best of this by planting mustard so you can enjoy during the winter.

Plant in Fall to Harvest in Winter

7. Winter Herbs

Ideally winter Herbs thrive better when they are brought in. Besides you will have fresh herbs to pick when you need it. Some of the herbs that thrive during winter are Oregano, Mint and Thyme. Bringing these plants in during winter will give you fresh herbs to add to your dishes.

Some herbs are very fussy and tend not to survive during winter. Planting herbs during fall for Harvesting in harsh winter can sometimes not go down well and is a trial and error.

With weather patterns changing constantly it is difficult to predict what will and won’t survive. Don’t be discouraged though if you were to lose a plant or two in extreme weather conditions. It is always safer to have the Winter herbs inside as it will prevent the roots from rotting due to extreme cold.

Related: 10 Vegetables That Are Too Easy To Grow Inside

Plant in Fall to Harvest in Winter

8. Carrots

Carrots will do well in 45-85°F (7-30°C) and since it is filled with nutritional benefits is ideal to grow for consuming during the winter season.

Seed to Harvest takes around 55 days. Tops and roots are both edible. Baby carrots are the easiest to grow.

Plant in Fall to Harvest in Winter

9. Parsnips

Seeds can be planted Early September to the 1st week in October (seeds) Soil temperature right around 70°F is the best for seeds to germinate.

Do check those seed packets! Each vegetable has a variety.

Plant in Fall to Harvest in Winter

10. Swiss Chard

With a temperature is around 50-85°F (10-30°C) . Seed harvest is around 30-60 days. There are several varieties of Chard and they all do well in the winter. It tastes great in stir fry.

Plant in Fall to Harvest in Winter

Always make sure that you get your planting seeds from a good source so that you will be able to enjoy a Bountiful harvest in the harsh cold winter.

Always read the instructions on the packet and follow accordingly.

Some vegetables do well when they are planted late in the fall and can extend to give you a good supply of vegetables. Always take into account the Zone you live in as each Zone has different weather conditions and you need to put your time and effort understanding this.

It is a fulfilling experience to never have to run out of nutritious vegetables even during the winter season.

Plan out your Winter garden in the fall. Make a note of what seeds or cuttings you will need and find the most economical way to get the required seeds.

Don’t spend time planting what you or your family don’t enjoy eating. Gardening during any season is a fulfilling experience and is a way to save time and money. Some of the herbs and vegetables also last after the winter has passed and if you have excess you can freeze them or can them for use throughout the year.

You know what you grow and you know that it is organic. Your health and that of your family is first priority, so as I mentioned, do check thoroughly the seed planting instructions on the packets and you will have an abundant harvest in the dead of winter.

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