Off Grid Knowledge

Never Feed THIS to Your Chickens

Never Feed THIS to Your Chickens

Though our chickens roam the world and eat everything growing on it, there are some plants and food items that they really should avoid. In this...

Read This Before Getting Ducks

Read This Before Getting Ducks

This is it! I've had it up to here with my ducks. Introducing the one and only article you need to read to warn you what you're going to go through...

What Not To Do When You Go Off-The-Grid

What Not To Do When You Go Off-The-Grid

When I embarked on my homesteading journey, I eagerly compiled a comprehensive to-do list, envisioning a wonderful life among nature. However,...

Read This Before Harvesting Rainwater

Read This Before Harvesting Rainwater

When you decide to be a homesteader,  you always want to make sure that everything you do is organic. One of the most important elements is...

DO NOT Get Rid Of This

DO NOT Get Rid Of This

In some areas of the world, you're absolutely required to rake up fallen leaves and have them disposed of by your local authority figures. And if...

This Is The No #1 Enemy Of Potatoes

This Is The No #1 Enemy Of Potatoes

"Oh," you say to yourself. "What a pretty little bug!" Ah, but little do you know that this bug is out to hurt your feelings and ruin your day. Its...

How To Get Rid Of Spiders Naturally

How To Get Rid Of Spiders Naturally

Spiders have a lot of benefits. They can eat annoying pests like mosquitos and insects and are good for the ecosystem.  However, certain varieties...

8 Household Uses for Rosemary

8 Household Uses for Rosemary

Rosemary is a prized herb recognized for its culinary value. It infuses a distinct aroma to enhance the way food tastes. A sprig of rosemary...

Can Vinegar Go Bad?

Can Vinegar Go Bad?

Vinegar is a versatile ingredient used for cooking, cleaning, and natural remedies, but can vinegar go bad? Whether you’re using vinegar as a salad...

Duck Eggs Vs. Chicken Eggs

Duck Eggs Vs. Chicken Eggs

Ah, do you want to raise chickens or ducks? For most people, the answer to that question will depend on which they prefer in the debate of duck vs....



Homesteaders are always looking for innovative agricultural practices to maximize productivity at the same time as minimize resource consumption....



Raising cows on your homestead is an important part of being self-sufficient because of the numerous benefits they provide. From food to fertilizer,...



Homesteading is all about living off the land and self-sufficiency. Lemons are a common fruit grown by homesteaders but they don’t just make a...

Tomatoes + Eggshells

Tomatoes + Eggshells

When planting tomatoes, it seems that everyone has a preferred niche or requirement for them. Some people say to plant them in the furthest west...

Unplugged and Online: Off-Grid Internet

Unplugged and Online: Off-Grid Internet

For you folks who wish to move off the grid but worry about how to stay connected to the internet, there are many ways to do it. In this day and...



Goats are wonderful animals to raise because of their unique and fascinating characteristics. They are extremely versatile and make great additions...

Chickens vs Turkeys

Chickens vs Turkeys

When trying to decide on what your first poultry will be, you'll find yourself in a bit of a pickle. In fact, there are so many choices that you'll...

Why Are My Chickens Eating Their Own Eggs?

Why Are My Chickens Eating Their Own Eggs?

Chickens typically eat insects, vegetables, and fruits, but sometimes, they eat their own eggs. For chickens out in the wild, it’s actually a normal...

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