Off Grid Knowledge

Ingenious Uses for Egg Cartons

Ingenious Uses for Egg Cartons

Have you been tossing out egg cartons in your yard, thinking they're useless? If so, it's time to gather those cartons and turn them into something...

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How To Purify Water Off Grid

How To Purify Water Off Grid

There are various ways to purify water off the grid, which means without relying on a centralized water treatment facility. The choice of method...

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10 Things To Never Feed Your Pigs

10 Things To Never Feed Your Pigs

Pigs have been unfairly labeled as unclean animals who eat anything. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Pigs are actually extremely clean,...

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Read This Before Getting Ducks

Read This Before Getting Ducks

This is it! I've had it up to here with my ducks. Introducing the one and only article you need to read to warn you what you're going to go through...

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DO NOT Get Rid Of This

DO NOT Get Rid Of This

In some areas of the world, you're absolutely required to rake up fallen leaves and have them disposed of by your local authority figures. And if...

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8 Household Uses for Rosemary

8 Household Uses for Rosemary

Rosemary is a prized herb recognized for its culinary value. It infuses a distinct aroma to enhance the way food tastes. A sprig of rosemary...

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Can Vinegar Go Bad?

Can Vinegar Go Bad?

Vinegar is a versatile ingredient used for cooking, cleaning, and natural remedies. Whether you’re using vinegar as a salad dressing, to spruce up...

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Duck Eggs VS Chicken Eggs

Duck Eggs VS Chicken Eggs

Ah, do you want to raise chickens or ducks? For most people, the answer to that question will depend on which eggs they most want to eat. Both...

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Homesteaders are always looking for innovative agricultural practices to maximize productivity at the same time as minimize resource consumption....

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Raising cows on your homestead is an important part of being self-sufficient because of the numerous benefits they provide. From food to fertilizer,...

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