These three sisters planting gardens kept Native Americans of several different communities alive for thousands of years.

Easily planted together, corn, beans, and squash work off of one another to create a new life and wonderfully easy-to-grow plants that will keep your tummy full.

Let’s dive right in.

Three Sisters Planting: What You’ll Needthree sisters garden

I’ll be assuming that you’re using a raised bed in this case. If you don’t have one, most of the advice given in this article will be easy enough to translate into in-ground planting (or, well, some of you are wild enough to use containers for this; more power to you!). Just a heads up that when I say raised bed, I’m talking about any and all planting areas.

Personally, I recommend a raised bed for three sisters planting so you can give the corn a little extra nitrogen without having to turn over and till old plots, hoping for the best. A fresh raised bed allows for better management.

In any case, you’ll need a good corn seed. I like Silver Queen corn, personally, but choose a good sweet corn seed since you’re likely not drying this. For the beans, pole beans work well—I often use Rattlesnake beans. And for squash, pick any variety with large leaves that can effectively shade the roots of the other two Sisters, a key part of successful three sisters planting.

General gardening soil and typical fertilizer are enough for these plants. You can’t easily scorch them, but don’t go overboard with fertilizer.

Timing Is Everythingthree sisters garden

To begin your three sisters planting, start by sowing your corn just after the last frost. Once the corn grows to about 6–8 inches tall and the root bulb is sturdy, you can plant a few bean seeds around it.

If you’re using nursery plants instead of seeds, wait until the corn is about a foot tall before adding the beans. As the beans grow and send out runners—usually within a week—gently guide them to climb the corn stalks. This way, they’ll use the corn as a natural bean pole instead of tangling with the squash.

A week after the beans start sending out runners, plant your squash. Once the squash develops its first true leaves, maintenance becomes simple. You’ll only need to water and fertilize the base of all three plants occasionally. The exact frequency will depend on your soil’s drainage and your local weather conditions.

Three Sisters Planting: How You’ll Mess It Up Your First Year

And now we get into how you’ll mess it up. You’ll overwater. Expect it. You’ll likely over-fertilize, too. Try to keep in mind that the corn is using the nitrogen from the beans to grow and you really don’t need to pour the ground full of nitrogen for that nitrogen-hungry corn to eat up.

You may also accidentally grab a fertilizer that’s great for squash but not fantastic for beans. These are rare and are typically high in sulfur. They’ll make your beans tangier than they need to be. Skip it. Use a general fertilizer that’s good for your area and your soil for vegetables.

How You’ll Do Better Next Yearbeans

You’ll find three sisters planting easier to manage after your first year, even if it feels confusing at first. If you’ve gardened before, you’ll likely adapt quickly. It’s rare to lose an entire Three Sisters garden unless you face major insect infestations, severe storms, or just plain bad luck.

Even better, this method will inspire you to keep trying. Once you see the beans climbing the corn stalks and the squash shading the soil, the purpose of each step will click. No book or video can compare to getting your hands dirty and learning through experience.

Three Sisters Planting: Why These Three Plants?

Balance. Everything in the natural world comes back to balance.

Sister one is the corn. The corn grows tall, offering sister two (the beans) somewhere to cling and grow upon. Sister three (the squash) shades the root area so the harsh sun overhead doesn’t dry the ground too much.

It gets even more complicated when you realize that these three plants are rarely predated upon by the same insects. In fact, most squash bugs hate the smell of growing corn and beans.

Like true siblings, the Three Sisters have grown together for eternity because they work well together. Even better than that, they grow easily together and encourage beginners to try something other than upside-down tomato plants and tiny herb gardens. Growing these foundation plants of our civilization is usually an encouraging gateway for more complex gardening down the road.

True Generational Gardening

If staggered correctly, most of your product will come into season at about the same time. It is rather neat to look at all the different growth times of these particular plants.

That said, don’t be too surprised if your corn begins to wilt and your beans are still producing. Don’t be shocked if your Jack-O-Lantern pumpkins are round and orange and your corn isn’t quite ready for harvest yet. Things can be thrown off a little when you’re a beginner, but you’ll get the hang of it very soon.

Anything else you’d like to know about the Three Sisters? Post a comment down below or send us a message. We always love to talk about this long-lived, traditional way to grow these centerpiece foods that keep the world from being hungry. As always, Happy Gardening!

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