When I first decided to get into self-sufficiency and homesteading , I thought it was super easy. I was about to find out how dead wrong I was.

Deciding to be a Homesteader was a decision I made, knowing that everything we consume is poison. I had no major plans. I was confident that it would work out. In my mind I had developed so much land that I hadn’t even purchased, had taken the produce and made money. I did this all just sitting in my chair. It was so profitable and extremely easy in my head. The plans escaped from my ears!

I never prepared or thought about disasters and natural elements.

Fast forward into the present world, I now realize how naive I was not to do research, plan , get people with similar experiences involved and weigh the pros and cons. The least I could have done was to try being self-sufficient on an experimental or trial basis.

I was all Self and not by any means Sufficient. To this day it’s not possible for me, to be one hundred percent self sufficient. I cannot go off grid totally though it would be lovely to do that. I would love to be that one more person that doesn’t pay a bill.

Unfortunately I am advanced in years and rather pay the electricity bill by reducing consumption in what ever way I can.

I know now, that If I tried to be too smart, well I would be living like in the dark ages and hobble around with a candle . Maybe I would have a stick with an old piece of clothing soaked in fuel and lighted.

Worse case scenario I would be condemned for mental instability probably with a hip fracture, trying to get around in that type of darkness.

I’m thankful that now I’m self-sufficient in food and also most DIY stuff. I haven’t had a plumber do anything because I do things myself. I have double eyes now with the help of my glasses. I do my own gutter repairs water pipes and faucet repairs . I do my own painting grow most of what I need living off the land to a certain extent.

While it is not possible to write at length about the mistakes made, and the problems encountered, here are a few. I firmly believe that the best way to learn is from others mistakes.

Forgetting Your Age and Gender

Forgetting your age your gender, any medical issues and not having someone to assist you!

Your age is priority. There are certain activities you can but should not do. Also our bodies are genetically built to withstand different types of stress . Going beyond that can be fatal. Gender plays a massive role.

Your medical issues need to be arrested and in the event of any problem, you need to have someone around or more people involved in what you are doing.

ugly truths about homesteading

Starting Too Big

Before you go ahead with an acre of land, start with your little garden at home. It is always better to start in a small way as a trial and see how it goes.

We cannot control natural elements. Being mindful of this, will help to plan out exactly how to handle vulnerable situations and weather conditions.

ugly truths about homesteading

Investing Without Insurance

Investing in expensive machinery and Livestock and not having insurance: my theory is Sleep on it! In fact make that extra sleeps. Don’t leave room for regrets by spending all your savings.

You can’t make profits in 3 months! It does not work that way. Make sure you get a comprehensive insurance policy as you progress. You can never be a Homesteader in a few months. Letting livestock graze and forage doesn’t work in the practical world. For seasoned Homesteaders yes, for wanna be’s: no. It never works that way. It takes years.

You have absolutely no control over diseases and infections. You also need a good Veterinarian on hand.

Don’t forget critters . They can ruin crops eat out an entire egg supply and bring diseases overnight.

Related: My Advice For All Homesteaders Out There

ugly truths about homesteading

Not Making Use of Your Skills

To be successful, you need to exploit your skills. It is vital if you want to be a Homesteader.

Not Having Emergency Supplies or First Aid

You should never compromise on your first aid and emergency supplies. It will happen and you need to be ready. Covid didn’t inform us prior.

ugly truths about homesteading

Not Keeping Records and Budgeting

One of the most disastrous mistakes is not having a budget and not tracking your expenses. It can get out of hand before you know it.

ugly truths about homesteading

Putting in Long Hours and Hard Work

Just stay for one day on a farm and you will realize what a lot of time and labor makes it function.

It is not only about growing your own food, it involves so much more on preserving what you produce.

Related: 8 Dangerous Mistakes To Avoid When Storing Your Food

ugly truths about homesteading

Expecting Family to Cheer On Your Achievements and Support You

Don’t expect family and friends to cheer you on your way. It won’t happen. This is your journey . They may not even support you and think you have gone bonkers.

To them what you are trying to do can be idiotic. However they would love when you share organic produce with them.

ugly truths about homesteading

Thinking that Homesteading Doesn’t Cost That Much

It costs. A lot. I mean a lot initially, especially if you don’t smart small. Some things don’t just sprout from seeds!

ugly truths about homesteading

Giving Up Even Before You Start

You don’t give up no matter how hard it is. No bad situation lasts forever.

Hard work and dedication pays off. When everything is polluted and people are worried, you have the freedom to benefit from what you have worked so hard for. Only then will you realize how blessed you are. A person who has become self sufficient off grid, lives an unpolluted precious life.

ugly truths about homesteading

To all those people out there that are self-sufficient seasoned Homesteaders, you are the true champions in this world!

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