For a very long time I’ve been looking for a seed kit to start a small medicinal garden in my backyard. I’m no spring chicken anymore and as health problems started to creep up, I knew some old-fashioned natural remedies could help.

The problem was I never have the time or energy to go out foraging for the plants needed to make them.

So, I decided to grow my own remedies, on a small plot, no bigger than 10 by 3 feet in total.

Unfortunately, most of the seed kits I found online were either lacking the right plants or they took up a lot more space than I had available in my backyard. I was looking for something more complete that I could use not just for one condition, like a headache or an upset stomach but for everything else too like: Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, etc.

This one, was just right and I very much liked that is created by an experienced herbalist – Dr. Nicole Apelian.

It’s true that it’s a little bit more expensive compared to the others, but still compared with the money we spend on pills, it’s next to nothing. When I go buy one drug and pay $70 or even $80 dollars I usually don’t think twice. You can probably relate…and that’s just for treating a single condition!

This kit contains thousands of seeds to grow 10 plants that cover a senior like me for almost every medical need: painkillers, stopping bleeding, sleeping aid, stomach relief, allergies, rheumatism, anti-inflammatory, prostate and bladder, anti-viral and immunity booster and of course a blood sugar controller for Diabetes.

I also believe it’s equally important that all these seeds come from the US.

What that tells me is that the plants they make will be much better adapted to the soil and the climate in my own backyard. And the one in yours too!

A while back I made the mistake of buying one of those popular seeds kits off Amazon only to find out every seed was coming from China. Needless to say, the results were terribly disappointing and all I got was “dwarf plants”… and others didn’t even sprout at all!

My medicinal kit arrived a few short days after ordering it, which was a welcome surprise. I’m used to things taking a lot longer to get here, as I don’t exactly live in the middle of the city – on the contrary.

Here’s what it looked like once I opened it and laid everything out.

The first thing I noticed was that every seed pack came with specific planting instructions on it. So, I would not have to search online for the instructions. Phew, that was a relief!

What caught my eye next was the had included a medicinal guide, to help me turn these backyard plants into powerful remedies.


So, basically, I could go from plant to remedy just using what was inside the kit.

As the weather was fine outside, I grabbed a shovel, took with me the Medicinal Garden Kit, and headed into the backyard to start planting my own natural pharmacy.

So, here’s what the seeds look like after a few weeks in the ground, water and plenty of sunlight.

Most of them germinated into a medicinal plant that would offer me and my family relief. Even the moringa tree had taken hold and growing faster than I had expected. I started using it to manage my blood sugar.

I was actually surprised at how good my new medicinal plants looked. Here’s a closer look:

Before long I began to harvest the plants… making sure I don’t take too much and upset the natural balance.

Over the next couple of weeks, using the medicinal guide that came with the kit I started to make my own tinctures and other natural remedies that I had not even heard about before.

To be honest they are not at all hard to make.

But the best part is not that I now have an alternative in my medicine cabinet. What surprised me the most is that I could safely cut back on my pill use with no ill effects.

The plants were doing their job… and my body responded with more energy and less “foggy-head” days.

My wife is using our new medicinal garden to deal with some nagging joint and hip pain she’s been getting lately.

All in all, I’m very happy with The Medicinal Garden Kit. It’s everything I was looking for and more.

Over the next couple of weeks, using the medicinal guide that came with the kit I started to make my own tinctures and other natural remedies that I had not even heard about before like salves and poultices.

To be honest they are not at all hard to make.

But the best part is not that I now have some alternatives in my medicine cabinet. What surprised me the most is that I could safely cut back on some of the pills my doctor had prescribed with no ill effects.

The plants were doing their job… and my body responded with more energy and less “foggy-head” days.

My wife is already using our new medicinal garden to deal with some nagging joint and hip pain she’s been getting lately.

All in all, I’m satisfied with The Medicinal Garden Kit. It’s what I was looking for all this time. Sure, you could have more seeds, more plants, and a bigger garden, but in the end this kit works just fine for my needs and tending to 10 plants is not time consuming at all for the many health benefits they bring.

You can check out The Medicinal Garden Kit here.

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