DIY Poor Man’s Greenhouse
As a homesteader, you need to be well-prepared for any crisis. For instance, you should know how to use survival off-grid tools, build a shelter, or...
I Would Never Do It. Would You?
I had always loved experimenting with new practices on my farmstead. However, a brief but eye-opening encounter has made me realize that what seems...
If You Don’t Have a Root Cellar Do This
Storing food for survival situations is essential for any homesteader. It's crucial you have enough food supplies to last until the next harvest or...
How To Make A Wind Turbine At Home
Living off the grid can be expensive. As a homesteader, you can take several steps to cut down your electricity bills and reduce your overall energy...
Why You Should Bury A Trash Can In Your Backyard
Creating a root cellar doesn’t require building or engineering skills, you only need a garbage can and some dirt. With a little effort, you can...
DIY Potato Tower
As a homesteader, I find joy in being self-sufficient and growing my own produce in a small garden. While I may not have truckloads of produce, I...
You Won’t Have To Make Compost Again
I have a confession to make:Â I used to hate composting. The smell, the mess, and the endless waiting. These days, things have changed. I use now...
I Finally Did It
Fish are bred and raised in a controlled environment as part of fish farming, commonly called aquaculture, a significant agricultural area. It has...
How To Make An Invisible Shelter
When there is a societal breakdown, be it localized rioting or a nationwide crisis, looting becomes a major concern that we need to take seriously;...
DIY Solar Powered Air Cooler
As homesteaders, we understand the importance of self-sufficiency and using what we have. One of the most significant resources at our disposal, is...
DIY Electricity Free Fridge
During a grid-down scenario, the loss of electricity presents an immediate problem of food spoilage. While generators, battery banks, and other...
Haybox Cooking
Cooking can be an energy-intensive and time-consuming activity. Whether homesteading, or living off the grid, you always look for ways to save time...
DIY Solar Water Heaters To Cut Down On Energy Bills
The hot shower is a marvel of modern technology. There is nothing like a hot shower after a cold hard day of work. The good news is that DIY hot...
How To Build A Cheap Bunker In Your Backyard
It is time we all learn how to build a cheap bunker in our backyard. The average steel bunker, base design, is going to run you over $20,000 for...
10 Off-Grid Water Systems You Should Have On Your Property
Did you ever think about being water independent and reduce your utility costs at the same time? Let’s look at 10 water systems that ensure there is...
DIY Backyard Projects You Need To Get Done By Spring
Since winters are cold and harsh, there might be better times to implement your homestead ideas into life. You can get all those DIY projects off...
7 DIY Stoves You Can Build In A Crisis
Homemade stoves are an economical solution for preppers living off the grid. The good thing with these heating and cooking fixtures is that they are...
6 Ingenious Ways To Use Old Bricks
Finding yourself with many bricks after completing basic home renovations is not uncommon. Why not put that pile of bricks sitting up in a corner to...
DIY Worm Compost Tower
Nature has blessed humans with many things so that we can survive. Worm composting is a way to breakdown naturally everything that is...
9 Cheap DIY Backyard Projects
Backyards are private, that's for sure. But using it effectively, efficiently, and economically is a challenge for most homesteaders. But with the...
DIY Compost Tea
Have you ever thought of wanting to give that extra nutrition to your vegetable patch fruit trees or salad garden? But was reluctant to add anything...
Stop Throwing Away Old Clothes, Do This Instead
Stop! Before you throw away old, holey clothes, remember that there are ways to give them another life! No, put your sewing needle down. It doesn't...
Easy DIY Water Purification System For Under $20
Water is the most critical resource for humans aside from shelter, and we can only survive around three days without it. The problem with water is...
What Happens If You Place A Beehive In Your Backyard
Maybe you’ve decided to keep bees and like most new beekeepers, you are full of anticipation for your new adventure. Perhaps your native bee...
DIY Tomato Cage
Gardening is a rewarding activity, but once you dive deeper, you'll realize it comes with its challenges. For example, creating a DIY tomato cage...
Straw Bale House
I’ve lived in standard stick-built homes most of my life – as, no doubt, have most of you. I still do, when I’m stateside. But, back in the 90s I...
How to Make A Cool Rocket Stove For Free
Rocket stoves are easy to carry around as a small camp stove whenever you’re out. They are efficient and burn for a long time, so you need less fuel...
6 Cheap DIY Projects You Can Only Do This Summer
With summer in full swing, take time to really enjoy it. There are many things you can do that don’t cost a lot of money and will be fun for people...
How To Repurpose Old Items Into New Projects For Your Backyard
One of the problems with projects around the home and in the backyard is that the materials required can be costly or require several trips to the...
10 DIY Projects You Need On Your Property Now More Than Ever
There are countless DIY projects for your property but these 10 are quite easy to make; they are popular and useful, too. Besides getting outside in...
Ingenious Ideas For Taking Care Of Your Chickens
Chickens are some of the best introductory animals to homesteading available in today's market. You can find them on hundreds of websites, get them...
Low Cost Raised Garden Beds
As concerns about interruptions in the supply chain due to the pandemic hit the news, Victory Gardens are once again becoming popular. This is great...