Tomatoes + Eggshells
When planting tomatoes, it seems that everyone has a preferred niche or requirement for them. Some people say to plant them in the furthest west...
This Could Kill All Your Chickens!
The highly infectious viral illness known as bird flu, or avian influenza, typically affects birds but can infect people and other animals. Several...
Unplugged and Online: Off-Grid Internet
For you folks who wish to move off the grid but worry about how to stay connected to the internet, there are many ways to do it. In this day and...
Should I Do This Again?
I know in most parts is spring already, but it’s never too early to prepare for the upcoming winter months. Last year, as I prepared for the cold...
How To Preserve Foods In Honey
Honey has been used in food preservation for centuries for its many microbial-fighting properties that keep food from spoiling. Many people believe...
23 Overlooked Survival Foods You Need To Add To Your Pantry
Most pantries have a variety of foods, and many of these are common. Why are some of these foods recommended for an emergency pantry? First off,...
How To Graft Your Fruit Trees This Spring
When it comes to fruit trees, grafting is simply a way of life. In fact, if you take a look at the fruit trees springing up at your local nursery...
100-Year-Old Way To Filter Rainwater In A Barrel
People have been filtering rainwater in barrels for over a century. Collecting nutritious rainwater in a rain barrel from a roof, has many uses:...
Goats are wonderful animals to raise because of their unique and fascinating characteristics. They are extremely versatile and make great additions...
Security Dogs You Should Never Have On Your Property
Man's Best Friend. When securing a homestead, having a good dog is essential. Unfortunately, even though some dogs can be good guard dogs, they can...
What Happens If You Plant An Egg In Your Garden
It might sound a bit like Jack and the Beanstalk, but some gardeners talk about planting eggs in their garden, especially for their tomato plants....
“Those people aren’t off grid!” – How dare they claim that!
The following was written by two off-grid people, Ron and Johanna Melchiore, and sent to you via satellite for distribution on social media. A...
How A Homesteader Should Prepare For A Blackout
Electrical blackouts are an increasingly common event in many parts of the world. Whether due to natural disasters, like hurricanes, freezing rains,...
Depression-Era Secrets You’ll Need Soon
The most dangerous thing about the upcoming crisis is that it’s the FIRST ONE for our whole generation. Unlike the folks that survived the Great...
What Happens If You Bury These In Your Garden
Perhaps you have heard that burying things in your garden has benefits, but you might not know the extent of these benefits or, perhaps, even know...
20 Ways To Preserve Eggs
Eggs are a relatively cheap and highly nutritious meal. They are also fresh foods that may be difficult to acquire in a crisis unless you happen to...
You Should Never Plant This Near Your House
I often see people post pictures of this plant on social media, asking what this plant is, and it drives me nuts! Wisteria is pretty, yes! But not...
Peppers are versatile and satisfying vegetables to grow on a homestead. Whether you’re looking to sell them or add some flavor and zest to your...
How To Drastically Cut Living Costs In 2023
Inflation has been a significant factor for people in the past few years. It is a cyclical phenomenon, meaning it goes up and down. The world is...
What Happens If You Sprinkle Cinnamon In Your Garden
Cinnamon may be one of those things that you associate only with a warm oatmeal breakfast, or perhaps a cinnamon bun in the mornings (or any time of...
12 Plants You Should Grow Together
The prettiest gardens are the one that are most diverse. Usually a riot of colors with little gems hidden between the foliage – be it a culinary...
Chickens vs Turkeys
When trying to decide on what your first poultry will be, you'll find yourself in a bit of a pickle. In fact, there are so many choices that you'll...
How To Make Your Property Inflation-Proof
Property owners, homesteaders, and all those invested in real estate must be aware of the danger inflation poses to their investments. Inflation can...
Strange Meals People Ate During The Great Depression
Mealtime is an often-unappreciated time that we take for granted. Today, food is plentiful and readily available on a whim. But can you imagine...
The Super Plant You Should Grow In Your Backyard
Most of us look for natural, organic and DIY remedies when it comes to looking after the health of our garden. Pest control using kitchen...
Why Are My Chickens Eating Their Own Eggs?
Chickens typically eat insects, vegetables, and fruits, but sometimes, they eat their own eggs. For chickens out in the wild, it’s actually a normal...
DIY Homesteading Toolkit
This article features the most common tools needed for basic home maintenance things like hanging pictures, wiring main plugs, cutting and fixing...
Survival Foods You Need To Forage This Spring
Which wild survival plants can you harvest this spring? You will find edible and medicinal plants, so forage for food when it starts getting warmer...
This Is Why You Should Grow Living Mulch In Your Garden
If you ask homesteaders what they least like about gardening, they would most likely say weeding, weeding, and more weeding. Yes, that’s right! So,...
Chicken In A Jar
When you think of canning or jarring chicken, the first thing you think of is probably soup. That, or a stew; something with noodles that sticks to...
I Used Beer In My Gardening Routine
Beer has a lot more uses than just as a refresher during a long gardening session – I have recently been using it in my garden as well! Alongside...
50+ Foods That Last 10 Years
For most, when scouring the grocery store aisles, purchasing foods that can be stored for 10 years or longer is not something to consider. However,...