Most people assume that being on my own land means I can do with it whatever I want. However, as homesteaders have already experienced, this isn’t always the case.

We will see more legislation designed to prevent us from preparing for our own survival as local, state, and federal governments attempt to gain control. We will examine some backyard projects that could lead to a ban in this article.

Collecting RainwaterBackyard Projects That Might Get Banned In The Future

We ranked this at the top because it’s perhaps the craziest of them all. Rain falls from the sky by God’s hands and falls where it may. Nobody owns it, so why bother collecting it?

It’s true. Nobody technically owns the water that falls from the heavens. Rainwater is used by many localities to supply crops and streams. Some municipalities even use rainwater for their town’s water supply.

What does this mean for homesteaders?

The truth is most places won’t be too concerned about you collecting rainwater in a 55-gallon drum. If you dug a large “pond” on your property and collected rainwater in it, many laws will see that as diverting resources from those who might need them.

Keeping your rainwater supply safe from looters and nosy neighbors is important if you have one. In times of crisis, it’s common for unprepared individuals to seek out resources like water, sometimes resorting to force. Here’s how to protect your water supply.

CompostingBackyard Projects That Might Get Banned In The Future

Composting is one of the premier ways homesteaders and preppers alike create nutrient-rich fertilizer for their gardens. Ironically enough, it’s been on the chopping block in many local governments across the country. And to be clear, this isn’t only relevant for peat moss composting.

Organic materials cannot be disposed of in landfills in some states. The problem comes when the law is interpreted to apply to homeowners in their own backyards, including yard waste, tree trimmings, and food waste.

As a result, some local municipalities may interpret these laws to mean composting is considered landfilling.

A second reason, particularly for those living in an urban setting, is the number of pests that can be drawn to a compost bin, as well as the odor. There are, however, ways you can prevent pests and odors and allow your compost bin to go undetected. This can include limiting the amount of grass clippings you add in and being sure to mix your pile to allow good oxygenation.

Off-Grid EnergyBackyard Projects That Might Get Banned In The Future

In truth, most laws passed that govern DIY Backyard projects are done so based on the mighty dollar. They require permits and zoning laws to be changed which adds money to their balance sheet. In the case of going completely off-grid with regards to your power consumption, money is everything.

You will be hard-pressed to find a local government that will stop you from installing solar grids, backyard wind turbines, or anything that would generate electricity.

Many companies offer tax breaks and direct payouts when it comes to solar panels, but they won’t allow you to completely disconnect from the grid, or if they do, they’ll charge a steep fee.

This is the case even if you are generating 100% of your own power. In fact, what is often the case is the power company will start to owe you money because any extra power you generate will be directed back to the grid.

As a result, any attack aimed at bringing down the power grid is likely to bring down yours as well.

Zoning laws and safety regulations can also impede on your ability to go off-grid, especially in urban areas. HOAs, for example, are more likely to ban going off-grid, or any prepper activity for that matter, simply due to aesthetics.

Underground Bunkers and SheltersBackyard Projects That Might Get Banned In The Future

Even as celebrities such as Mark Zuckerberg are building personal bunkers, many municipalities are either banning them or creating labyrinths of red tape around their construction. Most of the pushback comes from zoning laws and issues with neighbors.

In an urban setting, placing an underground bunker makes you the crazy person in town. Or so they say. As with most backyard projects, most of the issues will relate to an urban setting.

While they may not be completely banned in your area, you’ll likely be required to take out a permit.

Most people worry that this makes the underground bunker public knowledge, and in a SHTF scenario, the fewer people know about your shelter the better.

Backyard Animals

It seems that even rural towns are cracking down on the act of keeping livestock on your property, especially within city limits. That is because neighbors do not want to deal with the smells and sounds associated with livestock.

For example, one town in Montana limits the number of chickens you can have on your property within city limits to 10. However, they also require you to get the approval of your neighbors before doing so.Backyard Projects That Might Get Banned In The Future

In other areas across the country, the right-to-farm laws are often interpreted to only benefit farmers and ranchers. These laws designate what is considered a farm by how many acres the property has. Some requirements are as low as 10 acres while others can be as high as 50.

A covenant can also specify what you can and cannot do on your property, such as whether or not you can have livestock. When buying a property, it is very important to make sure that any covenants are in place. If so, you may have to go through the process of changing the covenants, which will require upwards of 75% of homeowners to sign off on it.

The sad reality is that the closer we get to our prepping becoming our reality, the more laws will be conjured up by men in suits whose only desire is to make the country dependent on the government.

Our freedom to do as we wish on our property to facilitate our own survival is at risk more people depend on the government.

As irritating as it is, we still must do our due diligence to ensure we operate within the law. And, sadly, to many, this means moving to a place with fewer rules and regulations on prepping activities.

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