Seeing wasps and hornets spoil your precious fruits in the garden can be distressing. However, rather than using harsh chemicals, which may disturb your homestead’s habitat, many alternative options are available. 

In today’s read, I’ll share ten plants to help keep hornets and wasps away from your sweet home. And the best part? No chemicals are required!

Mint10 Plants to Keep the Wasps and Hornets Away

Mint’s potent scent is a natural repellent, keeping these pesky winged pests at bay. What’s even better is that it’s easy to grow and maintain. You just have to plant them in well-drained soil and provide them with partial sunlight, and that’s it!

Moreover, there’s a whole world of mint varieties to explore. You can try different types, such as peppermint, spearmint, and pennyroyal, to see which best suits your preferences.


Basil is a beloved ingredient in many cuisines and a natural deterrent for wasps. A single pot or patch of this herb can do wonders to keep your garden free from pests.

For instance, if you plan to grow them, plant them in a spot that receives at least six to eight hours of sunlight daily. Additionally, basil thrives in moisture-rich soil. So, water it as soon as you notice the top inch of soil is dry to ensure its healthy growth.

Lemongrass10 Plants to Keep the Wasps and Hornets Away

An essential ingredient in green teas, lemongrass also has many other uses, including repelling wasps. Its insecticidal properties include emitting an aroma that flying pests hate. Lemongrass requires some special conditions to grow, such as:

  • Warm Climate: Due to its tropical nature, lemongrass thrives in warm climates and prefers temperatures above 40 Fahrenheit. Consequently, plant it where it can receive ample sunlight throughout the day.
  • Well-Drained Soil: Lemongrass grows best in well-drained soil rich in organic matter or aged compost.
  • Space to Grow: The spikes of lemongrass can grow quite large, so give each plant adequate space to spread out. Plant them at least 3 feet apart to allow room for growth.


Marigolds, with their scent and bright blooms, are quite effective in keeping flying insects away. Consider planting them around crops susceptible to aphids and hornets, or you can place them along your garden boundaries to deter wasps.

For growing marigolds, follow the below steps:

  1. Marigolds thrive in full sun, so choose a location that receives at least 6 hours of sunlight daily.
  2. Prepare the soil by loosening it to a depth of about 6 inches.
  3. Sow the seeds at a depth of about one-half inch.
  4. Continue watering regularly to encourage germination and healthy growth.

Citronella10 Plants to Keep the Wasps and Hornets Away

Citronella is usually used in candles and has a fruity lemon smell that is disliked by winged bugs. Additionally, it’s a fast-growing plant, so you’ll have it readily available in your outdoor space in two to three weeks.

To plant citronella, start with:

  • Choosing a Suitable Location: Citronella loves a warm, sunny spot to thrive, so choose a garden location with full sunlight for most of the day.
  • Prepare the Soil: Prepare the soil by mixing old manure or compost. Also, aim for a slightly acidic to neutral soil pH level, around 6.0 to 7.0.
  • Sow Seeds: If planting seeds directly, sow them at about 1/4-inch-deep and cover lightly with soil.
  • Water Regularly: Water the newly planted citronella thoroughly to settle the soil around the roots.


We all know about the soothing smell of lavender. This herb not only adds color and aroma to your garden but also acts as an effective repellent for wasps and hornets. However, this herb does have specific requirements to flourish in your garden, including:

  • Depleted soil with a slightly alkaline pH level.
  • Full sunlight for about six hours daily.
  • Regular watering until the plant matures. Once the plant reaches adulthood, avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.

Thyme10 Plants to Keep the Wasps and Hornets Away

Thyme not only enhances your culinary creations but also discourages hornets from invading your garden. The aromatic essence of this herb can significantly disrupt the olfactory senses of these flying pests, which they rely on for orientation. As a result, they steer clear of areas adorned with thyme plants or even pots.

Strategically placing thyme around your garden can establish a great protective shield against these unwelcome visitors. Furthermore, gently crushing thyme leaves from time to time can intensify its fragrance, enhancing its repellent properties.


Whenever you come across a eucalyptus plant, you’ll notice its distinctive bitter scent. This odor isn’t just a characteristic of the plant; it also serves as a powerful repellent for wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets.

Consider planting eucalyptus around vulnerable areas of your garden, such as fruit trees, berry bushes, or vegetable patches. Additionally, placing eucalyptus pots along garden borders or outdoor seating areas can also help create a barrier against these pesky flies. Some essentials required by eucalyptus to thrive are:

  • Plenty of light.
  • Regular watering during the growing season.
  • Reduced irrigation frequency during the winter season.

Wormwood10 Plants to Keep the Wasps and Hornets Away

Wormwood is a fascinating herb with a long history of use in herbal medicine and pest control. Its aromatic foliage contains compounds highly repellent to winged bugs, including wasps, hornets, and mosquitoes.

To maximize wormwood’s pest-repellent properties in your garden, consider planting it around vegetable patches, flower beds, and herb gardens. While wormwood is effective in deterring critters, it must be handled with care. Consequently, avoid planting it in areas where children or pets may come into contact with it.


According to a survey, rosemary is one of the most effective herbs for warding off wasps and hornets in your garden. Its woody scent might be the most preferred scent by humans, but for bees and wasps, it is a nightmare.

When combined with other herbs such as mint, basil, lavender, or thyme, rosemary forms a potent deterrent against stubborn flies. For successful rosemary growth, ensure it receives ample sunlight, well-drained soil, and moderate water.

Chemical pest deterrents can indeed be a slow poison, not only for us but also for our cherished green babies. No need to worry! As with the repellent plants mentioned here, you’ll bid goodbye to pesky insects and foster a more sustainable ecosystem in your garden.

So, roll up your sleeves, get your hands dirty, and transform your garden into a haven free from buzzing intruders.

Happy gardening!

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