
Fermentation 101

Fermentation 101

Many homesteaders are nervous about using fermentation as a method of preserving their harvest simply because they are unfamiliar with it, so I...

6 Foods You Should Bury in Your Backyard

6 Foods You Should Bury in Your Backyard

Three generations of my family have used the same backyard storage pit. My grandfather dug it by hand in 1962. These were called "root caves" by...

How Long Do Potatoes Last?

How Long Do Potatoes Last?

Have you ever harvested potatoes on your homestead? It’s a feeling of pride, knowing that the fruits of your labor are about to become part of your...

How To Protect Your Food Storage From Insects

How To Protect Your Food Storage From Insects

The silent threat to your food storage isn’t moisture or temperature – it’s insects. And these three will be your main culprits: pantry moths,...

50 Powdered Foods That Last Forever

50 Powdered Foods That Last Forever

If you want a way to make certain foods last longer, have you thought about turning them into powder? Many powdered foods, especially those high in...

DIY Apple Cider Vinegar

DIY Apple Cider Vinegar

The concept of vinegar first showed up about 8,000 years ago. Ancient people discovered that juice made from fruits would eventually turn into wine....

Foods To Stock Up On This Winter

Foods To Stock Up On This Winter

Winter brings unique food security challenges. Prices soar. Demand Increases. Panic Sets. I've tracked this pattern for years! Here are some foods...

Do This To Your Wood Stove Before Winter

Do This To Your Wood Stove Before Winter

Many of us homesteaders have wood-burning stoves. Some of us use it as a supplement to a furnace or other type of central heating system. Others are...

Deadly Canning Mistakes You Probably Make

Deadly Canning Mistakes You Probably Make

If you ever need to rely on your own supplies for the long haul, home canning is a must-have skill. You can’t grow vegetables year-round—every area...

Canning Recipes Grandma Made Every Fall

Canning Recipes Grandma Made Every Fall

People have been canning for generations. Whether it be in true cans or glass jars, once we figured out how to preserve food, we were doing very,...

Dutch Oven Recipes Cowboys Survived On

Dutch Oven Recipes Cowboys Survived On

Life as a cowboy in the Old West was tough, with few comforts. Cattle drives often kept cowboys on the trail for a month or more, and even on the...

8 Natural Ways To Get Rid of Ants

8 Natural Ways To Get Rid of Ants

Having ants in the home can indeed be very annoying when they sting you on your legs and arms or irritate your pets. Further, these tiny beings can...

How To Make Bread Last For Up To 5 Years

How To Make Bread Last For Up To 5 Years

Canning most foods is nothing new to most preppers. Yet, only a few of you know that you can also can your bread. You heard that right. Bread can...

10 Foods That Last Longer If Dehydrated

10 Foods That Last Longer If Dehydrated

Imagine enjoying your favorite foods, fruits, and vegetables all year long without running out of your pantry supplies. Dehydration, a centuries-old...

When Does Honey Go Bad?

When Does Honey Go Bad?

Honey has been around for thousands of years and has always been an ingredient that everyone has in their kitchen. People have used it for its...

Do NOT Store Your Dry Goods Like This

Do NOT Store Your Dry Goods Like This

Dry storage is one of the greatest achievements of humankind. Drying fruits, vegetables, meats, and grains until they’re shelf-stable for months,...

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