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Greenhouse 101

Greenhouse 101

You already know my article about how I built my greenhouse and I wanted to share some valuable insights about maintaining one. We can call it a...

DIY Cowboy Cough Syrup with Whiskey

DIY Cowboy Cough Syrup with Whiskey

There are four types of cough: dry, wet, allergy, and asthmatic. You've probably gone through at least one of these. The Wild West cowboys had a...

Do This To Your Wood Stove Before Winter

Do This To Your Wood Stove Before Winter

Many of us homesteaders have wood-burning stoves. Some of us use it as a supplement to a furnace or other type of central heating system.  Others...



Deep dishes, tacos, rice bowls, roasts—no matter what dish you think of, onions will surely be a tasty part of it. But how amazing it would be if...

Deadly Canning Mistakes You Probably Make

Deadly Canning Mistakes You Probably Make

If you ever need to rely on your own supplies for the long haul, home canning is a must-have skill. You can’t grow vegetables year-round—every area...

DIY Ingenious Rainwater Harvesting Systems

DIY Ingenious Rainwater Harvesting Systems

I’ve been exploring rainwater harvesting systems, and they’re super easy to set up. They can lower your water bills and provide an emergency supply....

11 Items To Look For At An Amish Market

11 Items To Look For At An Amish Market

If you’re preparing for an emergency, a natural disaster, or simply aiming to live off the grid, it’s important to have supplies that work without...

Canning Recipes Grandma Made Every Fall

Canning Recipes Grandma Made Every Fall

People have been canning for generations. Whether it be in true cans or glass jars, once we figured out how to preserve food, we were doing very,...

How to Collect Rainwater Without Gutters

How to Collect Rainwater Without Gutters

Collecting rainwater is nothing new. Our ancestors did it long before us. It's surprising how much water goes to waste these days, especially when...

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