
Cold-Weather Crops Care

Cold-Weather Crops Care

Plummeting temperatures and shorter days are definitely reasons to be spending more time indoors, and the garden gets a back seat as far as daily...

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Do This By March

Do This By March

If you’re anything like our household, things get pretty quiet on our property in the months of December and January. During this time, we focus on...

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DIY Compost Tea

DIY Compost Tea

Have you ever thought of wanting to give that extra nutrition to your vegetable patch fruit trees or salad garden? But was reluctant to add anything...

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Vinegar+eggshells =?

Vinegar+eggshells =?

There are a thousand and one old remedies for plants that look sick, are droopy, or simply aren't doing their very best. Why is that? Because until...

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Amish Medicinal Garden

Amish Medicinal Garden

The Amish belong to a religious community and the life they live is mostly farming and being self-sufficient in many ways. Gardening is therefore...

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Raised Bed VS In-Ground Gardens

Raised Bed VS In-Ground Gardens

The planting season is creeping up in the southern part of the country and many of us are starting plants indoors as we speak. After all, you'll see...

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Straw Bale Gardening

Straw Bale Gardening

The dream of a simple, contained garden that produces bountiful vegetables drove me to container gardening. When I found insects and birds still...

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